Take your drawings to the next level with a powerful drawing tablet with screen, the Wacom drawing tablet. Using Adobe editing software like Adobe Illustrator on your Wacom digital art drawing pad you can create logos, typography, drawings, and more for print, video, web, and mobile. Here’s how you can get started using this robust Wacom tablet Illustrator synergistic combination.

Paintbrush Tool

The Wacom tablet Illustrator combination is ideal for creating great works of art. In order to use the paintbrush tool follow these step-by-step instructions.

  1. Select the ‘paintbrush’ tool from the toolbox (on the left)
  2. Choose which of five brushes you want (calligraphic, scatter, art, bristle, or pattern brush)
  3. Press your pen to your Wacom drawing tablet to draw a stroke
  4. To vary the width of the brush, double tap on your selected brush in the right panel to open up the brush options for that brush
  5. Change the size parameter from the default ‘fixed’ to ‘pressure’ from the drop-down menu
  6. Increase the variation slider to five for maximum pressure sensitivity when putting pen to tablet

To modify the paintbrush tool options follow these directions.

  1. Double tap on the paintbrush tool you’re using in the toolbox
  2. An options window will open where you can alter the fidelity and other options
  3. To alter fidelity, move the slider which ranges from ‘accurate’ to ‘smooth,’ based on your specific preferences
  4. Under options, uncheck ‘fill new brush strokes’ and ‘keep selected’ to give you true-to-form paintbrush strokes

Once you’ve chosen your options, click OK and start painting away. If you need to modify them again, return to the options window to change settings.

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Blob Brush Tool
For many, the blob brush tool mimics the natural feeling of a paintbrush more than the paintbrush tool. The Wacom drawing tablet lets you recreate the same natural feel of a paintbrush. To draw with the blob brush, follow these steps.

  1. Select the tool from toolbox (on the left) found nested beneath the paintbrush tool
  2. Choose a brush from the brush panel (on the right)
  3. Modify the blob brush tool options by double tapping on the blob brush tool in the toolbox
  4. For beginners, leave ‘keep selected’ and ‘merge only with selection’ unchecked
  5. To vary the width of the blob brush stroke go to the drop-down menu to the right of ‘size’
  6. Change the setting from ‘fixed’ to ‘pressure’
  7. Increase the variation slider to enable maximum pressure sensitivity

When using the blob brush tool, you can adjust the size of the brush by using the left and right bracket keys or a Touch Ring.

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This drawing tablet with screen lets you easily correct your mistakes with its versatile eraser tool. The eraser tool feels very much like the blob brush tool. You can make all the same adjustments that you made to blob brush with the eraser tool. Follow the steps mentioned above. You can adjust the angle, roundness, and size of the erasure with your choice of pressure sensitivity.

With practice and experimentation , you can become a true digital illustrating success with the help of a Wacom drawing tablet and a professional graphic design software like Adobe Illustrator.