GoPro Studio is a convenient and free video editing program with cross-platform support and a decent suite of features. Due to its discount price tag, users are more likely to be new to video editing in general. While we can’t teach you everything you need to know to make better GoPro videos in one shiny blog post, here’s a couple tips to add to the list.

The Ten Second Rule

This rule has nothing to do with food unless you’re making a documentary on competitive eating or the physical activity of the stereotypical American.


Human visual processing is activated and stimulated more readily by motion. In less than a moment, the static images in each frame are settled in and comfortable in the viewer’s mind, now requiring the agony of actual effort to pick out the details. The second impact is that every bit of information that changes stands out compared to the background. For all of you who have had working eyes for the majority of your life, you may be uttering sounds of disgust at how obvious this sounds.

To make the most use out of this natural phenomenon, you want to change the majority of the screen at least every ten seconds. Faster is acceptable, but any longer greatly diminishes the value of the shot. You don’t have to progress to the next scene, but consider changing the viewing angle, focus, lighting, or other elements to keep things fresh to your fans watching your film.

The Rule holds just as true for action scenes as it does for general usage, and it might even be more important. You already have the motion of the objects in front of the lens, so going further and incorporating different angles and focus points can shake up the viewer even more. That said, there is definitely room to go too far and end up with incomprehensible sequences riddled with camera shake that leaves your audience struggling to figure out what happened.

All Rules Should Be Broken

More than anything, remember that any advice on how to make better GoPro videos or other films should be disregarded without hesitation if you feel the need. Your video may turn out to be an utterly awful piece of trash, but it will be a unique piece of trash.  GoPro is about expressing yourself and showing who you are.  So go be a hero and capture + share your world.