Whether you’re a west-coast-minded, tech-savvy trend-setter in film or your creative avenue of calling is in the music industry, you readily acknowledge, appreciate, and fearlessly embrace 21st century software solutions that enable you to seamlessly bring your brainstormed ideas to fruition without getting bogged down with the minutiae of additional, needless processes. Two leading solution-focused technology companies understand and respect your focus to create that magnum opus and have thus officially joined forces to help you better leverage your valuable content and make that journey an even more intuitive, streamlined, and enjoyable experience for you.


Quantum StorNext

Headquartered in Sweden, Cantemo specializes in the conceptualization and development of intuitive and streamlined media management solutions.  Its flagship product, Cantemo Portal™, is enterprise-level asset management software that can be embraced by both small workgroups on a single server or countless creative users in disparate locations throughout the world. Designed to effectively manage your media, it encompasses lots of customizable applications and enables easy access to searching, viewing, annotating, and editing your projects.  The core functionalities of Cantemo Portal include

  • feature-rich content management,
  • comprehensive administration tools,
  • user-friendly access controls, and
  • intricate metadata structures.

In addition, the software provides a uniquely customizable and convenient toolset, a themed interface, and modular applications.


Quantum StorNext 5 is a storage platform that creates the most state-of-the-art, advanced content workflow management in the industry. With the ability to archive content to Quantum’s Lattus cloud object storage, StorNext 5 has scalability that’s independent of its physical location; it's open-ended. Further, Quantum offers the Pro Workgroup,recently developed specifically for high-performance and high-capacity content postproduction and broadcast applications. Their Storage Manager software enables not only archive add-on options, but also the ability for you to work on your content directly with your cohorts (wherever they may be) ~ all while your content is automatically moved to the appropriate storage location.

The Partnership of Cantemo Portal and StorNext 5

Cantemo CEO and Co-Founder, Parham Azimi shares, “ Reflecting Quantum’s long-standing leadership position in media content storage and workflows...we’re taking the natural next step of formalizing our strategic partnership with Quantum as we both continue expanding our foothold in new and current markets. The collaborative partnership of both Portal and StorNext 5 creates an environment where you can implement, edit, and deliver content without having to worry about dropping frames. In addition, the combination ensures your creations are easily and readily accessible. You experience a faster, more efficient, and more dynamic workflow management system and a central repository that can be accessed concurrently by all the authorized users, creators, and contributors working on your project at locations throughout the world. This bond has created state-of-the-art ground-breaking media production solutions for the music and film industries. Together, Cantemo and Quantum are moving forward to continue to:

  • streamline integration between existing products;
  • create shared initiatives for further research;
  • inspire ongoing opportunities for innovation

By combining the StorNext Pro Workgroup with the Quantum Lattus cloud object storage system, you are now able to extend your online collaboration experience by transforming non-real time (secondary production) workflow operations over  to the Lattus cloud without negatively affecting the performance.  While you’ll still have all the same integrated access and cloud storage capacity all managed by the StorNext 5 platform, everything will be optimized in this one transparent extended online environment  ~ from high-performance storage for production operations, ingest, and delivery. Gabriel Chaher,VP, EMEA Sales & Marketing, Quantum, shares: "Cantemo’s momentum is increasing across the media and entertainment market…with StorNext 5 providing the storage foundation for the Portal architecture, our mutual customers can get even greater benefit from their investment in Cantemo’s solutions."