Recently, Avid released a statement requesting users to wait until Avid's qualification of the new OS X 10.9 has been completed before upgrading their Mac's software.
In short, Avid hasn't completed qualification of the new OS X 10.9. Right now, there are open, known bugs and issues with the current shipping versions of some of Avid's products that will need to be addressed prior to qualification. In order to ensure customers get the best experience, Avid is asking you to wait until upgrading. It'll be worth it.
Why Avid Customers Shouldn't Upgrade...Yet
Avid products rely on heavily on tight integration with operating systems. When major changes are released by OS manufactures, Avid must run qualification tests to ensure our products still operate as intended. Some OS updates can cause problems with Avid software and need to be addressed before customers install the update. Basically, be patient, and hold off on'll be worth it.
Additonally, Avid has identified a critical issue with the ATTO driver that installs with OS X 10.9. The drivers that are installed with OS X 10.9 for the ATTO H380 and H680 are not compatible with the Avid VideoRaid SR and will corrupt the data on the storage array. Customers with Avid VideoRaid SRs and/or the ATTO H380 or H680 should not upgrade to OS 10.9.
Identified Issues
Media Composer (all versions)
- Install/uninstall issues
- Windows misaligned, displaying incorrectly
- Crashes
- Errors with some 3rd party drivers
ProTools (all versions)
- Uninstall errors/issues
- Drivers and hardware will not uninstall
- Hardware shows up incorrectly
Sibelius (all versions)
- Font substitutions
- Unable to use as ReWire device
Please refer to the Mac OS X 10.9 (Mavericks) support for Media Composer, Pro Tools and Sibelius Avid Knowledge Base article for complete information regarding Apple OS X 10.9 and Avid products.